Dear Aguste Goldman, I have been a loyal
customer of Godaddy for way over 10 years.

I have over 20 different websites and over
120 different domains. For many years
I have used Website Builder '7'. I have found
it to be very easy to use and some of the
extra features very beneficial.

I have been told by Godaddy staff that one
of these days that Website Builder '7' will be
discontinued. I have tried one of the
potential replacements. I don't like them.

What is disappointing is to be told that
Website Builder '7' is too old and needs
to be replaced. Heck, I am 73, I guess
I should have been replaced a long

time ago.

Please do not discontinue Website
Builder '7'. If you do then I am probably

going to be out of business.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss
this further. Jim Vossen (831) 236-5994